Monday, April 13, 2009

Last Week!

The last month has been absolute chaos: between battling illness, writing papers, completing projects, and attempting to enjoy the spring I have lost all track of time and blogging.

But, that's how life should be I suppose. My internships has been non-stop work from the moment I walk-in the door till the moment I leave, and sometimes after. It has been really rewarding and educational, it has been like really working. The agency I am at is notorious for in essence employing their interns, we have the same responsibility and expectations put upon us. Which makes for a hard, but rewarding internship.

I have one week left at work, and then one week left in DC before the summer starts. It's hard to describe how fast this semester was, I feel that life only speeds up as you get older. Time has been so elusive in the past few weeks, I have no idea where it's gone. Fortunately, I'm almost done with classes and have a good chunk of time to pack up my life and get things put together.

I've been working on life for next year; I'm signed up for some great courses. I think I've found a job and already enlisted myself in a slew of extracurricular activities, but I'm still trying to pull a few more things together to really round off my semester. I applied for a position in the student government, didn't get it but was offered another. I intend on running for president of Student Advocates for Native Communities, and a few other little odds and ends. Perhaps taking up a little project with Brit and KP for Campus Chic, we'll see. Things seem to be playing themselves out well. And then I will be an RA. Oh my!

I'm looking forward to the end of this semester and the relaxation that summer will hopefully bring, and then a very exciting fall.