Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Post Spring Break/Spring Fever

It's been awhile, but since Spring break things have set into a patter. No more illness, no more crazy happenings, just normal-every-day-life. (Hopefully I'm not jynxing myself!)

Spring Break was great, it was nice to go home and recover. But work has been so much fun lately! I've found my niche among the work place, and I'm really starting to understand the work that the people around me are doing. It's pretty interesting!

I've been doing alot of work with computers and scheduling; dealing with paperwork for badges and some recertification type work. Which in and of itself does not sound like a day in the park, but it is really interesting to see what people do and I get to talk with a bunch of people from the agency. It's really fun!

Also I've gotten to let loose a little bit creatively as well, I've been helping people redesign their binders and prepare them to be presented which is nice. They appreciate someone who can be handy on a computer; I also get to help out with planning for birthdays and special events (which I love to do!).

There has also been a good deal of work with the databases as well; there have been changes so we've had to update things around the office. Which can be tedious, but has been pretty educational. It is interesting to see the way information spreads through the agency.

But I miss the other WINS interns! I fortunately got to see them this weekend, which was lovely. Hopefully more fun is on it's way.

Only one month left, it's gone by so fast!